The Compatibility Hair Analysis is the easiest, fastest, and most successful way to change your health.
The Compatibility Wellness Hair Plan is a simple non-invasive analysis, requiring only a small sample of hair off the ends. This Australian protocol accurately measures over 600 different foods, beverages, nutritional supplements, and personal hygiene products to determine which ones are not compatible with your body, and maybe contributing to your underlying health issues.
The Bio-Compatibility System is the result of over thirty years of research and development by qualified Naturopaths in Australia. This is a Naturopathic Wellness program that is now used in more than 20 countries.
Digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion, irritable bowel, or constipation?
You do not have to suffer from these symptoms! Just the anxiety alone of having to be close to a toilet 15 mins after you eat or being constipated for days.
Skin conditions such as rashes, eczema or psoriasis?
Are you frustrated as nothing else has worked for you including all of the creams under the sun. Did you know that your skin is a reflection of what is going on in your gut?
Inflammation and weight gain leading to pain and fatigue?
What works for your friends and family may not work for you?
You may have put on weight after having children and now hit menopause and feel uncomfortable and horrible at the same time!
Takes a lot to stay positive when you are living on adrenaline, stressed and hormonal!
Find out how your body is reacting through this simple step.
A sample of hair is taken and sent to a specialised centre where 600 different food and household items are identified as either compatible or incompatible with your body.
Certain foods and/or chemicals may create inflammation in different parts of the body and present as symptoms. These results assist in unraveling possible health issues within the body; the results are then incorporated into an individualised Wellness treatment plan.
This requires a commitment of 6 months, with 4 follow up appointments to achieve the best possible outcomes. The basis for the program is simple: nurturing the body correctly by avoiding foods and products that are ‘incompatible’ with you as an individual.
This is suitable for ALL ages. It is simple and easy and suitable for adults and children. In conjunction with a consult, the results speak for themselves. Correct cellular function leads to good organ function. Good organ function leads to good immunity and elimination, NATURALLY.
This analysis is based on how the foods and products we use affect the flow of energy through the body. If the energy systems within the body are compromised in any way by a food/product that is biologically incompatible, the cells cannot function optimally.
This may lead to an immune response, inflammation, and ultimately reactive symptoms. Once this inflammation accumulates in a certain area, it is given a name.
In the joints, it can lead to or aggravate arthritic pains. In the respiratory tract, it can cause symptoms of aggravated sinus, asthma, and excess mucus. In the nervous system, it can cause or aggravate headaches, migraine, depression, tiredness, and add to ADHD. In the skin, it can cause or aggravate rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and hives.
Using hair samples, Compatibility Analysis identifies the influence (either positive or negative) that each of a wide range of foods and products has on the delivery and storage systems in each cell. In this way, we are then able to determine which foods and products should be avoided and which should be consumed/used.
The plan complements and integrates easily with any other therapy or medication by simply removing foods and household items that are testing negative for your particular body. It is super easy and only involves cutting a small half a match stick length and width of hair off the ends, putting it into a marked sealed bag, filling out the application form with your symptom list, and sending the hair sample directly to the laboratory.
The results are then emailed to you within 14 days (often sooner), and we will schedule a consultation to discuss all of your results, how to best implement the program and what other advice I can give you. I aim to offer you a complete picture of your individual requirements.
You then have a solid foundation for the development of a personalised treatment program for you. This is available to people of all ages, including babies, and also to animals; and you DO NOT need to have a consultation in the clinic. We can do it all via Zoom or on the phone.
This report allows you to monitor your progress while you are following the Bio-Compatibility Programme
You will kick yourself you didn't do this test sooner! It is all is black and red. No more guessing.
You don't just get an email of a diet that will change your life, you also get a consultation on how to implement it into your life. We will motivate you to make those changes you need for better health NOW
The Bio-Compatibility System complements and integrates easily with your existing therapies while offering a unique insight into your individual health requirements.
The program is NOT merely about avoiding foods/products that cause a reaction, but about only INCLUDING in the diet those foods that ARE compatible. We provide you with a unique list of biocompatible foods that will restore the body's ability to repair itself.
It doesn't need to stop there. You can continue to work with us, getting results, shaping your body from the inside to the out.
The Naturopathic Services’ Compatibility Wellness Plan identifies those everyday foods and home products that are inhibiting your best health on a cellular level and then assist you in relieving them. I have found it will either be the foods that you eat in excess or the foods that you are already suspect are causing you issues but just cannot pinpoint which one.
No More Guessing
The old elimination diet can take a long time to uncover which foods are impacting your health, this way allows us to quickly target and remove the foods/cleaning products/chemicals/supplements, etc. that are contributing to exhausting your immune system, and stopping your body from functioning at its best.
Food sensitivities cause the immune system to become overactive and produce excessive amounts of inflammatory mediators. These inflammatory mediators can migrate to any area of the body causing inflammation in glands, joints, muscles, tendons, mucous membranes, and skin and are the underlying cause of many health problems.
My Thoughts by Dennis Hodges ND
A lot of people today claim they suffer from many different reactions to foods and household products. Some seem to cause pain and discomfort while others seem to aggravate existing symptoms.
It is said that our foods today are so altered by soil degradation, fertiliser, irradiation, genetic modification, and importation that many people are turning to organic and gluten-free foods in an attempt to reduce the ‘reactive effects’ they are experiencing. This may work for some, but not for others — simply because whether it’s organic or not, certain foods are just not compatible with the metabolisms of certain individuals. We call these ‘bio-incompatible’ foods/products.
There are also many eating plans (like the blood type diet), which are very good for a lot of people, but do nothing for others. This is because they do not factor ‘compatibility’ into the equation.
It all boils down to finding the answer to that single, simple question: “Is this particular type of food (in its present form) any good for my unique body?”
Any test gives us information, how we use that information is how we help get people back to normal. Our Wellness Programme is contained in a 17-page report. You will receive your test results plus all instructions and general information to restore your health.
Our Wellness Programme is available online.
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